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Book summaries.

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Book of the Day

The Power of Habit

"The Power of Habit" is a bestselling book by Charles Duhigg that explores the science behind habits and how they shape our lives. The book examines the formation of habits, the cues and rewards that ... Show More

By Charles Duhigg

Sell or be Sold book summary
Sell or be Sold

By Grant Cardone

Youtubers book summary

By Chris Stokel-Walker

The Art of Social Media book summary
The Art of Social Media

By Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick

A Mind for Sales book summary
A Mind for Sales

By Mark Hunter CSP

Facebook Marketing book summary
Facebook Marketing

By Greg Brooks

The Challenger Sale book summary
The Challenger Sale

By Matthew Dixon,Brent Adamson

Way of the Wolf book summary
Way of the Wolf

By Jordan Belfort

This is Marketing book summary
This is Marketing

By Seth Godin

Crushing It! book summary
Crushing It!

By Gary Vaynerchuk

Think and Grow Rich book summary
Think and Grow Rich

By Napoleon Hill

Contagious book summary

By Jonas Berger

To Sell Is Human book summary
To Sell Is Human

By Daniel Pink

Purple Cow book summary
Purple Cow

By Seth Godin

Start With Why book summary
Start With Why

By Simon Sinek

Hooked book summary

By Nir Eyal

Spin Selling book summary
Spin Selling

By Neil Rackham

Made to Stick book summary
Made to Stick

By Chip and Dan Heath
