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Book summaries.

All of our nonfiction book summaries at your fingertips.

Book of the Day

The Power of Habit

"The Power of Habit" is a bestselling book by Charles Duhigg that explores the science behind habits and how they shape our lives. The book examines the formation of habits, the cues and rewards that ... Show More

By Charles Duhigg

The Cult of We book summary
The Cult of We

By Eliot Brown and Maureen Farrell

Unscripted book summary

By James B. Stewart and Rachel Abrams

Disrupting The Game book summary
Disrupting The Game

By Reggie Fils-Aimé

The Mom Test book summary
The Mom Test

By Rob Fitzpatrick

Miracle Morning book summary
Miracle Morning

By Hal Elrod

No Rules Rules book summary
No Rules Rules

By Reed Hastings,Erin Meyer

That Will Never Work book summary
That Will Never Work

By Marc Randolph

The 1% Windfall book summary
The 1% Windfall

By Rafi Mohammed

Remote book summary

By Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

The Customer-Driven Culture book summary
The Customer-Driven Culture

By Travis Lowdermilk and Monty Hammontree

Subscribed book summary

By Tien Tzuo with Gabe Weisert

Who book summary

By Geoff Smart,Randy Street

Social Startup Success book summary
Social Startup Success

By Kathleen Kelly Janus

Rich Dad Poor Dad book summary
Rich Dad Poor Dad

By Robert Kiyosaki

The Dip book summary
The Dip

By Seth Godin

Company of One book summary
Company of One

By Paul Jarvis

The Lean Startup book summary
The Lean Startup

By Eric Ries

Running Lean book summary
Running Lean

By Ash Maurya
