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In The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins disproves the most popular arguments in defense of religion to prove that religion is not logical and does not serve our advancement as a species. Dawkins takes on the idea of intelligent design, the moral necessity of religion, and critiques the privileged position of religious institutions in modern society. He also pokes holes in the supposedly historical information in the Bible, to prove it is not a reliable document.
Medieval philosophers passed down two widely accepted arguments for God’s existence. Neither of these arguments is persuasive because there are holes in the logic.
Thomas Aquinas took a cosmological stance, arguing that God must exist because at one point there was no matter in the universe. As such, there must have been a First Cause that brought matter into being. He believes this First Cause is God. This argument is fundamentally flawed because it does not explain how the First Cause (God) came into being. This argument has the same flaw as the “chicken and the egg” argument – it assumes that God appeared out of thin air to create the world.
Anselm of Canterbury made an argument for God based on the idea that God is perfect. The basic idea is that any perfect being must exist in the real world, or it wouldn’t be perfect. This logic is circular and assumes that existence is a quality in and of itself. David Hume and Immanuel Kant disproved Anselm by proving that a perfect being can exist only in the imagination.
Similar logical fallacies and contradictions exist in the scriptures themselves. Very little of the original Biblical text exists because scribes have been copying and rewriting the book for centuries. The book was written long after the death of Jesus, and nobody knows the true author of the four gospels. The gospels themselves were chosen randomly from a larger pool of texts, suggesting the original compiler of the Bible was more interested in storytelling than preserving the historical records.
Beyond these foundational problems, the scriptures themselves are full of inconsistent information. Jesus was apparently born in Bethlehem because Augustus ordered a census that forced Joseph to travel to the city. That census didn’t occur until AD 9, many years of Jesus’s supposed birth. And while Matthew and Luke say Jesus was born in Bethlehem, John says that he was not.
Both the Bible and Christianity’s foundational proofs are deeply flawed and contradictory and as such not reliable evidence to prove the existence of God.
Even though faith in God has no logical or scientific backing, faith in God is a privileged position in modern society. We make excuses that defend the actions of religious people, even if they are not moral.
While political belief systems...
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