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Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Book Summary

Book Summary

By T. Harv Eker

15 min
Audio available

Brief Summary

Although our level of achievable wealth may be programmed in our subconscious when we are young, there are ways to rewire the way we think about money. 

You must consciously go about finding ways to rethink money and wealth, as well as the way you view yourself. You can only achieve real wealth when you know your own worth and value your own abilities. This will allow you to be a real leader with a vision.

About the Author

T. Harv Eker is an author, businessman, and motivational speaker. He focuses on wealth and motivation. He is the author of the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, a New York Times #1 bestseller.

He was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. His first successful company was a retail fitness store. He made millions through a series of fitness stores but lost the money by not handling the companies properly. He writes and speaks about rich people and their wealth.

Eker questions: What mental attitudes lead to wealth? According to him, we each have an internal script that dictates how we relate to money. By changing this script, we can change whether we make money. For example, guilt gets in the way of people and prevents them from making money, and thinking about wealth as a way to help others helps people make money.

He writes about how the rich and the poor differ. The rich don’t feel limited while the unsuccessful limit themselves. Rich people believe “I create my life”, while poor people say “Life happens to me”.The rich are more optimistic about life, while the poor feel more blocked. Rich people admire the rich and other successful people, while the poor do not.

He founded Peak Potentials Training, a seminar company, later bought by Success Resources, an event production company in 2011. He has created seminars since 2001. He uses seminars, contacts, and his personal following to promote his books.


Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Book Summary Preview

When it comes to making money and becoming rich, there are certain guiding principles that every millionaire seems to live by in some way. And in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker, readers get a more detailed look at the behavioral patterns and attitudes that can help determine one’s future wealth.

There are specific patterns to our thoughts that can help preprogram us to achieving wealth

We all have a relationship with money. While some people seem to have a Midas touch that allows them to basically turn anything into gold, for others are not quite as lucky, seemingly broke all the time and not really working to make a difference in their finances.

Although some people may believe that once they know all of the strategies of business and that will lead them to success, there are actually monetary patterns in our life that have as much an impact on our wealth, as any knowledge we may gain.

Everyone has their specific thought processes that influence their successes and wealth. And when it comes to millionaires, their thoughts are “programmed” to wealth, while other people are seemingly programmed to a lower-income or level of monetary success. These thoughts are often influenced by the experiences we have as children, the people we look up to, and just our general life experiences.

No matter how much wealth we end up with, it rarely differs from the levels that were predetermined in our childhood. This is because of our subconscious and the way we have programmed ourselves.

Unfortunately, many of us are preprogrammed to earning a lower income, meaning that while there may be opportunities to earn a greater wealth, we essentially have set ourselves up for failure. Even when a millionaire loses money, they often find a way to rebuild their wealth because of their manner of thinking.

In order to build our own wealth to millionaire levels, we must rewrite our ingrained thought processes. 

The way we think is influenced by the things our parents taught us in regards to money

If you think of your mind as a computer, then you will realize that many of the programs that run in our brain are those that were installed when we were children.

The things that our parents said about money, even when we didn’t think about it at the time, finds a way into our subconscious. These ideas are then formed based on the things we heard them say.

Our parents influence the way we think about money. Even the most common expression, such as “money doesn’t grow on trees,” takes root in our minds and helps to form our thoughts on wealth.

We often think the same way about money as our parents, or we rebel against them in a way that is drastically different. But rebellion alone is not enough, as it does not break the blueprint in our minds that allows us to achieve wealth.

The primary thought that can help us to achieve the monetary wealth we may want...

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book summary - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Book Summary

15 min
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